Binh Vu-The
BoD member, NetNam & General Secretary,
Vietnam Internet Association
Binh has been working for NetNam, one of the first ISP in Vietnam, since 1996. He had been the CEO of NetNam from 2010 to Feb 2014, then focusing on the BoD member since.
Since 2016, he was assigned to be the General Secretary of Vietnam Internet Association (VIA), an organization having mission to develop Internet in Vietnam, as well as to be the bridge between internet industry/community and Vietnam government.
Binh graduated Hanoi University of Technology as electronic & telecom engineer, has MBA degree, and spending a year studying in Germany
(2002-2003) on e-business, cyber security & open source subject.
04-Dec-2024ITW Asia Stage, Island BallroomPanel Discussion: Establishing disaster-resilient networks in Asia-Pacific